Mythology Quest


Eye of Ra vs Eye of Horus Showdown

Eye of Ra vs Eye of Horus Showdown


Eye of Ra and Eye of Horus are elements of Egyptian mythology and their beliefs and ideals are still a source of fascination and interest for many around the world. It is said that when the Eye of Ra and the Eye of Horus face off, it can be an incredible showdown full of power and mystique. In this article, we will highlight ten key differences between the two so that the audience can decide for themselves which of the two is more powerful and which has more of an impact on ancient Egyptian beliefs and far beyond.

Difference 1: Symbology

Eye of Ra: The Eye of Ra is symbolized by a red and gold sun with a cobra wrapped around it. This symbol is seen on temple walls of Ancient Egypt. It is to symbolize the cycle of birth, death, and resurrection. The Eye of Ra represents Ra’s aggressive and protective nature.

Eye of Horus: The Eye of Horus is symbolized with a human eye and a pair of falcon wings. The eye is usually blue and gold. It symbolizes a protection from all forms of evil and is also seen on temple walls and hierarchy levels. It serves as a reminder for people to believe in the afterlife and rise above all earthly temptations.

Difference 2: Power

Eye of Ra: The Eye of Ra is said to have great power in the form of creativity, intelligence, and intuition. It is believed to have the power to creates life by transferring creative energy from Ra into the form of humans. It is seen as a source of power and strength for Ra himself.

Eye of Horus: The Eye of Horus is said to have incredible healing powers. It is said to be able to restore life and health to those who are in need of it. It is a symbol of protection and balance, with the power to heal and bring a sense of harmony to the world.

Difference 3: Meanings

Eye of Ra: The Eye of Ra is said to represent the power of the sun and the heat and light that it brings. The cobra symbolizes protection and was said to protect the ancient pharaohs of Egypt from anything that may have been a threat to them or their people. This symbol was believed to have been associated with the power of the gods.

Eye of Horus: The Eye of Horus is seen as a symbol of mourning, protection, kingship, and resurrection. It is closely associated with the gods of the afterlife. It is said to bestow wisdom on the wearer. The Eye of Horus is said to open the way to the afterlife for those who have been judged by the gods and found to be worthy.

Difference 4: Origin

Eye of Ra: The Eye of Ra is believed to have originated with the sun god Ra. It is said that Ra was born from a lotus flower. As Ra shed tears of joy, his tears form two eyes that came to be known as the Eyes of Ra.

Eye of Horus: The Eye of Horus is said to have originated from the goddess Hathor. She is believed to have brought it to earth as a gift to protect people against the forces of evil and misfortune. The god Horus took the eye as a reward for defeating Set, the god of chaos and destruction.

Difference 5: Purpose

Eye of Ra: The Eye of Ra is typically said to represent the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It is seen as a symbol of strength and protection against any threat or danger. It is also thought to have been a source of light and knowledge.

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Eye of Horus: The Eye of Horus is said to represent order, unity, and harmony. It is used as a symbol of protection and good fortune and is believed to bring health and prosperity to those who wear it.

Difference 6: Position

Eye of Ra: The Eye of Ra is typically seen in the upper left of a hieroglyph. This is usually meant to represent the sun rising in the east, where Ra is said to have originated from.

Eye of Horus: The Eye of Horus is usually seen in the upper right of a hieroglyph. This is meant to represent Horus and is a reminder of the god’s power and wisdom.

Difference 7: Protection

Eye of Ra: The Eye of Ra is said to provide protection and strength for its wearer. It is a symbol of creative power and is thought to be able to ward off any negative energy or situations.

Eye of Horus: The Eye of Horus is said to offer protection from physical harm and spiritual danger. It is believed to be a powerful source of healing and can help to ward off diseases and illnesses.

Difference 8: Interpretations

Eye of Ra: The Eye of Ra has been interpreted in many different ways. Some believe it is a symbol of justice, while others see it as a symbol of destruction and anger. It is also seen as a symbol of protection and power, as it was said to offer protection from physical and spiritual dangers.

Eye of Horus: The Eye of Horus is seen by some as a symbol of justice and retribution. Others see it as a symbol of healing and protection. Both interpretations point to the Eye of Horus serving as a reminder to behave ethically and do good works in the world.

Difference 9: Mythology

Eye of Ra: According to Egyptian mythology, the Eye of Ra was created by Ra as a way to protect himself and his people from evil and misfortune. It is said to have the power to create as well as to heal and nurture. It is seen as a symbol of knowledge and understanding.

Eye of Horus: In mythology, the Eye of Horus is associated with healing and protection. It is said to be able to restore health and well-being and bring balance and order into the world. It is also seen as a symbol of justice, as it is believed to bring good fortune to those who use it wisely and justice to those who do not.

Difference 10: Influence

Eye of Ra: The Eye of Ra is said to have a powerful influence on its wearer. It is believed to open up the possibilities of creativity and intuition, whilst also offering protection and strength.

Eye of Horus: The Eye of Horus is said to offer protection and guidance, as well as healing and wisdom. Its influence is believed to be powerful, with the ability to bring fortuitous events and prosperity into the lives of its wearer.


The Eye of Ra and Eye of Horus have been powerful symbols in ancient Egyptian mythology for centuries and their symbols have been used in many different ways. They offer protection, power, and knowledge, whilst also opening the door to divine wisdom. As you can see, there are many differences between the Eyes of Ra and Eye of Horus, so the true power of each symbol rests in the eye of the beholder.

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