Mythology Quest


What Are Goblins Scared Of?

What Are Goblins Scared Of?


Goblins have captivated ‍the imaginations of both‍ children and adults alike for centuries. ⁣Legends say they can be mischievous,‍ fearful, or ⁤even outright hostile; ‍but ‌one⁢ thing is certain, they do not want to ⁣be confronted. ‌Since ancient times, stories have been passed down from generation to generation‌ about what⁢ goblins are scared of. In this article, we’ll investigate six things that goblins‍ fear⁣ the most.

Point 1: Fire

1. Legends: Fire has been a popular theory throughout folklore when it comes to what goblins are scared of; this belief comes from‍ the idea that ⁤goblins ⁣are practitioners of dark magic, therefore ​they naturally fear ⁣something as wild and powerful as fire.⁤ Ancient texts tell tales of goblins being defeated ⁤by fire brought about from a magical source—usually cast from a passing wizard or brave adventurer.

2. Psychological:​ ⁤ It’s thought that on a deeper level, goblins fear fire because it implies destruction—the same destruction they are capable⁤ of bringing to those ⁢who wander too close. ‌This fear can ‌be likened to a ​fear of one’s own power.

3. Modern ‌Day: In modern day, goblins ‍are still said to steer‌ clear ⁤of fire. ​They may shy away from ‍campfires​ and bonfires, and even something ‌as small as a lit match is ⁤said to cause them great caution.

Point 2: Noise

1.⁤ Legends: Noise is another ‍major fear of ⁤goblins. It’s been said that loud startling noises, such as banging drums or shrieking whistles, can disperse‍ goblins in an instant. Ancient texts tell stories of brave warriors ⁤fabricating weapons specifically designed to⁣ create loud noises to defend against goblin attacks.

2. Psychological: Much like a fear of⁣ the dark, a fear of noise can be explained in terms of security.⁣ Many goblin-fearing creatures, including humans, equate‌ loud noise ⁣with danger and⁢ therefore feel more secure ⁢when it is silent.

3. Modern Day: To this day, ‌people swear by the method of playing loud noises to protect themselves from goblins. From church bells ‍to kitchen timers, people ‌will often⁤ make use of any ⁣available ​noise-making device to keep goblins away.

Point 3: ⁤Light

1. Legends: One of ‍the oldest documented fears ​of goblins is light. Many myths‍ and legends cite light as their greatest enemy. Ancient texts tell tales‌ of ⁤powerful magical beings wielding brilliantly shining weapons ‍and rare magical ⁣artifacts to fend off goblin hordes.

2. Psychological: Much like⁤ fear of noise, ⁣fear of light can also be explained in terms of self-security. By ⁢avoiding bright areas, goblins can hide in the shadows, undetected by those who wish to do them harm.

3. Modern ‌Day: In modern day, goblins are ​still said to shy away from bright lights. While electric lights are usually enough ‌to keep them away, many will put lamps ‍outside of their homes to safeguard‌ against invaders.

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Point 4: Iron

1. Legends:‌ Iron has long been purported as one of the most effective weapons ⁣against ​goblins—many legends speak of a⁢ magical⁣ blacksmith forging weapons from iron to save villages from a goblin⁢ onslaught. Ancient texts describe⁤ blacksmiths crafting weapons from iron that could repel ‍goblins.

2. ⁢Psychological: Fear of iron ‌may ‌be‍ born out‍ of fear of strength and power. Just as ⁢a⁣ human would feel threatened by someone wielding an iron weapon, the same goes for goblins.

3. Modern Day: ⁣In modern ‍day, iron is said to still be an‍ effective defense against goblins. Many people hang ⁣a horseshoe over the door of their homes to ward off evil goblins, as the shaped iron symbolizes protection ⁣from harm.

Point 5: Magic

1. Legends: Magic has been used for centuries as a protection from goblins. Even in ancient texts,⁢ magical artifacts and protective ⁤spells have been mentioned as​ reliable ways to ward off goblins. Some texts‌ even tell‌ of magical ⁤stones that can be placed ⁣near a home to protect it from goblins.

2. Psychological: Fear of ‌magic likely originates from a fear of the ⁢unknown.⁤ Goblins’ natural⁢ curiosity could ‌easily lead them to wander too close ⁣to⁢ magical artifacts, resulting ⁢in ‍unknown‌ consequences.

3. Modern Day: In modern day, magical charms are ‌still said to be a reliable defense against goblins. While it is often difficult to acquire magical artifacts, many people still ⁣make use of prayers, charms, and potions ⁤to keep goblins at​ bay.

Point 6:​ Humans

1. ⁢Legends: Humans have long been the greatest ⁢fear ‍for goblins. Ancient texts often ⁢describe brave heroes unsheathing their weapons and facing off against hordes of goblins—and usually​ coming out victorious.

2. ​Psychological: This fear likely originates from a ‌fear of strength and power. ‌Just as ​with iron, goblins would feel threatened by any human who ⁢dared to approach them with the intent of⁤ causing harm.

3. Modern Day: ⁤ In modern day, humans⁣ are still considered to be the⁢ greatest fear for goblins. While ‍some people still bravely‍ venture outwards to hunt them, many more simply strive to⁤ stay away from ⁣them,⁣ lest they should be confronted.


At the end of the day,‌ there​ are many things goblins are said to be scared of. ‍From fire ⁢to iron to humans, goblins are thought ‍to shy away from ⁣anything that seems dangerous. While the truth of these brave tales ⁣remains unknown, it is undeniable that goblins have ⁢played a large role in cultures‌ and myths across the world.

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